Schubert, The Zeus Ensemble - "The Trout" Quintet In A Major Opus 114 D667 - 1987 - CICD 1008 New - Sealed - CDs

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Regular price $15.77
Available Quantity: 1

Product details

  • Artist: Schubert, The Zeus Ensemble
  • Title: "The Trout" Quintet In A Major Opus 114 D667
  • Condition: New
  • Grade: Sealed
  • Catalog #: CICD 1008
  • Record label: Castle Communications
  • UPC: 5013428770085
  • Release year: 1987
  • Country of manufacture: Europe
  • Genre: Classical

Schubert, The Zeus Ensemble

"The Trout" Quintet In A Major Opus 114 D667


CICD 1008

